Friday, May 6, 2011

I Miss Mom

Once upon a while there is always someone special that you meet
That always says that special something to keep you on your feet
That is there to wipe your tears, cheer you up when you have that bad day
Tell you that she knew you could when things go your way
It is just such a blessing when a person like that gives you a life
A caring person, a supermom, and one hell of a wife
You live with her as good friends, can tell her anything
When all goes wrong, she would help no matter what kind of thing
She'd do whatever it took to make the world smile
She was tough, stubborn, and a fighter but that was just her style
But the day comes when she must go to add to heaven's light
Leaving us behind on Earth, but never out of sight
We may not see but always feels every move she makes
But we cannot live in sorrow for our loss no matter what it takes
So while she meets St. Jude, and we continue on with this life
You know that she be there to always shine that light
And even though at this moment our lives are filled with pain
Just always remember, my Mother's blood is always in our veins
And while her body passed, and her family left to mourn
We must rejoice to know that my mother is reborn
So just remember one thing, all her family and friends
Her body may have died, but her spirit never ends
One day we'll meet again, in a land far away
My Mother Mary Rita, she'll be with us that special day


Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers out there. And to all the sons and daughters never take that for granted.

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