Friday, June 10, 2011


OK I sat, I thought and now I am going to do it.

Yes Dallas has the momentum. Yes, their shooting last night was sick. Yes Dirk has been a monster. Yes Lebron hasn’t done shit in the fourth quarter. Yes, the Miami Heat let the lead get away in game 2 and gave away game 4.

However I am still picking the Heat. I am sticking with the Heat. And I am telling the Heat; get your crap together men. You need to win this.

I have seven thoughts about where we are now.

Uno-Everyone wants to call Lebron a quitter. And then some people want to call him the next Michael Jordan. Well Michael Jordan quit too. Thanks to Colin Cowherd for bringing this up. Let’s make a list on everything Michael quit on…

• His team in 1993
• His marriage
• The Washington Wizards

Yeah Michael is so noble so no one wants to bad mouth him, but everyone piles on Lebron. Lebron this, Lebron that. Man to hell with that. If Lebron is for real he proves it on Sunday and then again on Tuesday. If not, then I guess Charles Barkley and the rest of the world is right and the Heat get what they deserve.

Due-Dwyane Wade returned from the locker room and if the Heat won, that’s all you would hear about. We had to hear about Dirk Nowitzki’s fricking finger for game 2 and his illness for game 4. How come we don’t want to talk about that? Because Dirk has become America’s sweetheart. A video was released of D-Wade and Lebron poking fun at Dirk about his sickness and American is saying “oh my God. I can’t believe it. How unclassy.” No, you want to know what’s unclassy, media outlets saying some guy from Orland banged Lebron’s girl. Rashard Lewis says he didn’t do it. Why is it everything is about Lebron?

Tre-Mike Bibby has no business being in the starting 5 anymore. Get Chalmers in there. With Chalmers, Joel, CB, D-Wade, and Lebron, I feel better about that than Mike Bibby who has been silent for the Finals.

Quattro-Someone needs to take down Jason Terry. Sure he is backing up his crap right now. Yo Heat players, are you going to let this clown make a fool of you guys and not show up for games 6 and 7? At least the fourth quarter.

Cinque-A lot of Bulls fans are making a lame ass joke saying they asked Lebron change for a dollar, but he only gave them 75 cents because he doesn’t have the fourth quarter, including Ozzie Guillen’s kids. Well, you can take that 75 cents, and use it at a bar after asking a bunch of people for more money for one beer, and watch the Heat win the next two games. By the way chumps, how does it feel knowing you could have been there, but the Heat are, and you aren’t, suckers? I guess since you are all Maverick fans now it doesn’t matter right.

Sei-Everyone wants to talk about how arrogant the Heat are. Let’s go back to douchebag JET again. He tattooed the Finals trophy on his arm, and the Dallas fans are wearing shirts that sport the Finals trophy saying “our time is now” or some crap like that. Yeah, Heat fans, who Barkley refers to as the worst since he talked trash and everyone in Miami let him know how they felt about it, are so cocky.

Sette-And don’t forget, this team broke many franchise records this year. They defied the odds. The teams that beat them in the regular season are both out on their asses. Dallas you are hot right now, but heat usually cools down. Sunday night the comeback begins.

Final thought-Look guys, are you going to let the haters win? Will we have to listen to more idiots on TV talk about how the Heat failed? I don’t want to hear that, and I know no one at PIM wants to hear that, and I sure as hell know everyone and anyone in Miami doesn’t either. You came to south beach, declared yourselves champs. Now prove it. Shut everyone down. Find a way to contain Dirk. Pull a Bynum on Barera if you have to (no don’t do that, I’m fired up). Do something so the next time Terry pulls his arms out and flies like an airplane, he is signaling to everyone he is flying home for supper with his momma because he lost and couldn’t get it done. Shawn Marion didn’t do much when he was with the Heat, make him pay for it. Riley expects greatness, give it to him! The fact you guys are on game 6, one game from elimination is horrifying. Win this one guys. Do it for Johnny man! Do it for him!

Don’t ask who Johnny is because I don’t know. I am full of piss and vinegar and want so badly to see the Heat win this thing. Us against the world. Just bring it!

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