Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Fire, Sexting, Prison, and Other Golden Greats

So are you ready for the freakshow? Let’s do it kiddies.\

Uno-The Boston Bruins whooped the shit out of the Canuckleheads last night. Apparently, Vancouver couldn’t get their teeth into a 3-0 lead due to some great goaltending by Tim Thomas. Sure the Canucks tried to take a player out due to a bad headshot, but they had to chew on the fact they received a 5 minute major and most likely more discipline from the league, even though biting people is OK. In fact, Boston players are asking for the Canuckleheads to bite them. Great final so far. Go Bruins.

Due-Plaxico Burress was released from prison and thanked everyone for their support. Thank for support? Dude, you shot yourself in the leg. You kind of put yourself in this position. It’s not like you were in the hospital getting well. No, you were in jail because you broke the law. You should have just said, I’m happy to be out. Now don’t shoot yourself again, stoner.

Tre-So I guess Carlos Zambrano apologized to Carlos Marmol for blowing his second save on Z’s dime. Why? Big Z was right on. It’s really sad everyone needs to apologize for telling the truth.

Quattro-USC had their national title from 2004 striped away from them due to all the recruiting violations and shenanigans that took place. Some call Pete Carroll a Seahawk, but as far as I’m concerned he’s an eagle and he flew like one as Steve Miller once said. I haven’t heard his name thrown around for this. Reggie Bush lost his Heisman, the team lost the championship, but how is Carroll held accountable? It’s unfortunate. And the sad thing is the team is chirping about how they won the title. Matt Leinart says:
"People can say whatever they want but we still played every game the way we had to … no one will ever be able to take that away. I've talked to a lot of people I played with on those teams and we all say the same thing. Everyone who knows football knows we won those games and we won the title."
You know what dude. Either work on being a real NFL QB, which you still haven’t proven to be, or sit in your hot tub with the beautiful babies. Otherwise, shut the hell up. You may have won the games, but you violated the NCAA rules which mean no trophy to show for it. Now go get Ken Wisenhunt a sandwich, kid.
Cinque-We all remember the Brett Favre scandal with Jenn Steger and him texting pictures of his privates. Well apparently Representative Anthony Weiner has been texting pictures to porn stars, strangers, etc and he is very sorry about it, now that his wife and America have found out about this. I need to ask, women…do you get turned on when guys send you pictures of their penis? Because quite frankly, I can’t see that. Especially when its middle aged men who you have never met, or have little desire to meet. I can’t see myself sending pictures of myself to any woman, much less my significant other right now. It’s pretty dirty and sleazy if you ask me. However, I’m just a well schooled altar boy so maybe I’m in the minority here.

Sei-Shout out to Brent Lillibridge on the White Sox. Never knew you had it in you kid to kick some ass. Nice grab in center yesterday. You make it easier to see guys like Alex Rios, and Adam Dunn get benched. They should get benched and be forced to give up their salaries. These guys are both batting under the Mendoza line, and can’t find a way to fix it. Guess what guys? It’s not early anymore. Production is needed and demanded. Figure the shit out guys.

Sette-And now it’s time for stupidity theatre starring Mavericks bench star who likes to tattoo trophies on himself Jason Terry. Jason, what kind of nugget do you have for us today?

Jason Terry has struggled mightily against LeBron James' iron-curtain fourth-quarter defense, so Terry took the fight to James after Monday's practice with this challenge: "Let’s see if he can defend me like that for seven games.”-From ESPN article written by Jeff Caplan.
Well first off, my young friend tonight is game 4 so there are 4 more potential games left if you’re lucky. Two, if the Heat kicks ass and three if they don’t. So considering he has kicked your ass in three games defensively, I think you’re a little shortsighted friend. Secondly, you are gasoline; Lebron is fire, which usually will end up in an explosion. Let’s just see what happens Jetboy.

Pinsero finale: A lot of talk has been about Lebron James being the best basketball player, even better than his airness himself. Mr. Michael Jordan. And it all comes from Scottie Pippen. Look, no one is a bigger fan of Lebron than me. But Scottie, come on man. First he needs to focus on winning the championship this year. Then we need to see what he does in the future. He is 26 years old, so there is plenty of time for him to catch up to Michael. And furthermore, I am sick of hearing the bullshit about how Lebron couldn’t do it alone, so he left Cleveland. Michael was given a great supporting cast, from Scottie to Horace Grant. They signed guys like Toni Kukoc (The Bulls), Steve Kerr, Will Perdue, and of course hall of famer Dennis Rodman. The Bulls knew what was needed for Michael to excel. He was the man, and once he got that supporting cast, he kicked ass. Dan Gilbert never did that for Lebron. He got him a broken down Shaquille O’Neal and that’s about the best he could do. Lebron had to fight every night just to squeak by victories. Michael is the best, but Lebron is on his way to becoming great in his own right.

Citazione del giorno-“Whoever came up with the slogan for the Peace Corp “It’s The Toughest Job You’ll Ever Love” obviously never had children.”-me last night while making diner.

See ya!!!!! Game 4 tonight, go Heat!!!!!

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