Friday, June 3, 2011

Confessions From the Bandwagon: Epic and Fickle

So guys? W-T-F happened? You said no celebration, no champagne, no streamers; apparently no sense either. Well, today I’m going to speak from the heart. No seven item format today.

Why are you trying to take threes when the game could be over? Why are you trying to put on a clinic on field goal shooting? You had them beat, could have shut the door, but didn’t because why? You could have fouled Dirk with one foul to give, but didn’t. You could have had anyone but Bosh covering him, but didn’t. Woulda, coulda, shoulda. Now what are you going to do about it?

As you know, the Dallas Mavericks are everyone’s favorite team since last week. Never in all my life have I seen so much hatred spewed upon a team as I have seen the Miami Heat endure since last summer. All they did was come together to win. All these comparisons to the Yankees are idiotic. The Yankees sign people for gobs of money, these three took less to play together, and to help bring some role players to the team. Lebron James is one of the most unselfish players as he spreads out the ball when he has to, and takes the killer shots when he is able. Yet, everyone piles on this guy about how much of an egomaniac he is. Why? Because ESPN and Nike are polishing his knob. So what? If anyone had these two courting them all the time, they would happily take the money and run.

No what this has to do with is that 5 cities in America felt like they had a chance to bang the hottest girl in high school and got rejected, and that hot girl left her loser ass boyfriend to better herself. Everyone feels jilted. Chicago, New York, Dallas, New Jersey, Los Angeles; so all these cities have teamed up in a futile exercise in hatred along with the big toilet bowl known as Cleveland to let Lebron James know he’s a bad guy. Living in Chicago, I can tell you it is a hostile environment here. If I hear one more Bulls fans talk about the officiating, I’m going to find a real bull and dress the punk in red and watch them run like they were in Spain. Dan MacNeil, a host on 670 The Score said it best. He thinks the hatred from Chicago fans comes from the fact that back in the nineties, everyone complained about Jordan getting all the calls because he was Jordan. Well, now Chicago doesn’t have the superstar anymore and they are getting a taste of what every city in America was complaining about back then. Interesting theory.

Can it be said that the Miami Heat do things a little over the top at times? Sure. However, when you are as good as Lebron and D-Wade, why are you not in your right mind to be over the top? The Mavericks definitely gave the Heat a wake up call last night that they needed. The Miami Heat have to be reminded no matter how invincible they have looked in the last 5 games before last night, they are human, and can be doomed to fail if they let up. Last night, instead of taking the ball to the basket and scoring the majority of points in the paint, which is what they are good at, they decided to put on a 3 point clinic, which they missed the majority of shots.

This is being heralded as an “epic comeback” and everyone has now forgotten that the Heat came back from behind 12 points against the Bulls in half the time the Mavs came back. I’m sorry, I just don’t buy that. You were down by 15 at 6:00 and you did what a good team does, you found a way to get back in the game, and try to win and succeeded. Good for you. If the Heat did that, that’s what they’re supposed to do, but since its Dallas, it’s epic.

Now here’s where the trio can show us if they’re for real, or a zero. Can they bounce back after such a deflating loss? Can they show everyone they learned something from this game? Or will it be like last year when Lebron laid down against the Celtics after allegedly finding out a team mate was knocking boots with his mom? That would be a reason to depress anyone, and no one really wants to bring that up. It’s all about Lebron is the quitter. He can’t close. The Heat are reverting back to 9-8. Blah blah blah. Bitch bitch bitch. STFU for reals people.

I believe the Heat have found that killer instinct, and now’s the time to prove to everyone you have it. You go to Dallas, get out on that floor, and assassinate that offense. Play the great defense we have seen for the last few games, and destroy them. America is waiting for you to screw up so they can laugh, point, and criticize. Even the morons in Cleveland have a “Cavs for Mavs” campaign going on. One thing the Heat have been great about is silencing the clinics, and only three games stand between the Heat and the fun goal of silencing all the haters, but the main goal is very simple. Bring that championship to South Beach and get the dynasty started.

Sure the world may be a better place because the Heat lost last night, but can we count on the end of the world if the Heat wins it all?

No, but I think Cleveland will move itself to Lake Erie like their football team did to Baltimore in the middle of the night.

Let’s go Heat!!!!

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