Friday, August 21, 2009

I Like the White Sox: Top 10

Hi kids. So it has been a month and a half since the perfect game and Mark Buehrle did the Top 10 list on Dave Letterman. So I decided to make a top 10 regarding our White Sox as a whole right now.


10-You know what the acronym BHB means. 12 wins and he shaves so he will be known as BSB then.

9-You wonder how much tobacco Pods chews whenever he comes up to bat. It looks like someone inserted one of those crazy balls in his cheek. If you haven't noticed it before, I assure you will now.

8-Sometimes you wish AJ would do the sign of the cross when a guy is sitting on first. Perhaps God could help him throw out more base runners trying to swipe a base.

7-You may have noticed no one on the team has number 7 anymore due to a wannabe center field has cursed the number for all eternity.

6-If you have ever the chance to meet Nick Swisher, you would like to make his chin blue with a little shade of black, not pink as he likes to.

5-You think Che is a shortstop and not a historical figure that fought for independence.

4-There are two saviors in your life. Jesus and Bacon.

3-You wonder why in the history of baseball, we are the only team that signed a pitcher for tons of money that is currently on the DL. Yet we're OK with the decision because our GM has another 69 million reasons to show the world he has the biggest pair in baseball.

2-You can count the number of starting pitchers used this year with both hands.

1-You either need pepto, vodka, miller, tums, downers, pot, God, or some other kind of medication to help you get through the carnival ride that makes the Zipper look like a children's ride known as the 2009 Chicago White Sox baseball season.

It's kind of like there was the Sizzler, and then the Super Sizzler. We all cringed during the 08 season, but this one has been a little more exciting (not in a good way) with the inconsistent offense, the incoherent defense, and the C&C rehab factory making you sweat. Approximately one month to go until October, and next week as they say in Apocalypse Now, we're going into the shit. Charlie is all over. Brace yourselves people, we are about to climb that hill again.

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